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Ms. Salehpour Presenting AI Unveiled: Balancing the Benefits and Burdens with Legal Perspectives

Ms. Salehpour will be speaking on September 26 for the San Mateo County Bar Association on the legal side of AI. The presentation is titled AI Unveiled: Balancing the Benefits and Burdens with Legal Perspectives.

It will cover legal implications and complications of artificial intelligence, discussing intellectual property complications, treatment of data and privacy issues, contract complications, sources of liability, and novel types of disputes.

picture of skyscapers on the left side with picture of computer screen on the bottom with scales of justice on it. On the right side, it says in yellow and white text Labor & Employment Section, AI Unveiled: Balancing the Benefits and Burdens with Legal Perspectives, Thursday, September 26, 2024, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. It then has a picture of women with short dark hair below that wearing a blue top who is identified as the speaker. There is a bio about the speaker in a yellow bubble next to the photo of the speaker, saying "Morvareed Z. Salehpour is the Managing Attorney of Salehpour Legal. She has been a business and tech lawyer for almost 15 years. It then has a section below describing the event: "This presentation will delve into the legal implications and complications of artificial intelligence, discussing intellectual property complications, treatment of data and privacy issues, contract complications, sources of liability and novel types of disputes. And the very bottom it states: Attend this webinar via zoom, MCLE - 1 Technology MCLE credit, Cost - Labor& Employment Section Member - $20.00, Non-section Member $35.00, then there is a QR code with text above it stating register here.




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